2. Who did they have as they spokesman when they appeared before Felix the governor? 3. With what flattering words did he address Felix that were less than true? 4. What were the charges he brought against Paul? 5. How many days does Paul say it has been since he had gone up to Jerusalem to worship? 6. Paul denied all of the charges against him except which one? 7. The Greek word translated "heresy" here is also translated by what other English word in the New Testament, and what is the twofold meaning of the word? 8. In his religious practice, Paul said: "…herein do I exercise myself, to have always a _______________ void of offense toward ________ , and toward __________ ." 9. "After many years," what had prompted Paul to come to Jerusalem this time? 10. Who did Paul say should have been there before Felix "if they had ought against" him? 11. In Jerusalem, when Paul had stood before the council, what did he say as to why he had been called in question? 12. Who is described as "having more perfect knowledge of that way [Christianity]"? 13. Felix, delaying dealing with Paul’s situation, said they would get the matter settled when? 14. What was the nature or extent of Paul’s confinement in Caesarea? 15. Who is said to be Felix’s wife, and what is the background of this woman? 16. What does it say that Paul did (or said) when out of curiosity, it seems, Felix sent for him and had him speak to them? 17. What was the reaction of Felix to this, and what did he say? 18. During Paul’s confinement, why did Felix send for him often and talk with him? 19. After Paul being confined in Caesarea for two years, who became governor in place of Felix? 20. When Felix left office, "willing to show the
Jews a pleasure [favor]," what did he do?
NAME: _________________________ DATE: ________________