(15) x 2. What was the ancient name of Bethel, and how did it come to be called Bethel? x 3. Which was the only one of the twelve sons of Jacob born in Canaan? x 4. Whose job was it to embalm the dead among the ancient Egyptians? x 5. How many days were involved in the process of embalming the dead by the Egyptians? x 6. When Aaron and Moses died, how many days did the people mourn for them? x 7. What became a saying in reference to Saul shortly after he was anointed king of Israel? x 8. What did the women sing about David that highly displeased king Saul? x 9. How long did it take Solomon to build the temple and to build his own house? x 10. Why did Jonah flee on a ship to Tarshish when God told him to go to Nineveh and preach? x 11. How extensive was the call for fasting by the king of Nineveh in response to the preaching of Jonah? x 12. Where in the Bible does it say, "Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears," and where does it say, "They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks"? x 13. How old was Jesus when he began his earthly ministry? x 14. On what two occasions is it recorded that angels ministered to Jesus? x 15. Why did Jesus teach in parables? x 16. Jesus loved all of his disciples, but who especially is spoken of as the one "whom Jesus loved"? x 17. Of whom did a rumor get started that he (this disciple) would not die? x 18. What are four different occasions that the apostle Paul is mentioned in the Scriptures in connection with the city of Troas? x 19. Where was Paul, it seems, when he first met Aquila and Priscilla? x 20. When Paul was taken prisoner the last time by the Romans, who does it say forsook him, "having loved this present world"? (Vol.
39, No. 3, 2001)
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