2. How many sabbath days does it appear that Paul was allowed to preach in the Jewish synagogue here before he was expelled? 3. What notable thing (to us) did the Jews say about Paul and Silas when they drew Jason and some of the brethren before the rulers? 4. What did the rulers of the city require of Jason and the other brethren before they released them? 5. The bulk of the church at Thessalonica seems to have been made up mostly of what kind of people? 6. The brethren soon having sent Paul away, what was the next city he came unto where he again preached Christ in the synagogue of the Jews? 7. In contrast with the Jews in Thessalonica, what is said of the Jews in Berea? 8. From Berea, to what other two cities does Paul next go where he likewise preaches Christ? 9. From all indications, where does it seem Paul was when he wrote the epistle of I Thessalonians? 10. Who jointly sends greetings with Paul to the Thessalonians in this epistle to them? 11. What is unique in the way Paul identifies himself in the salutation here, which is only found elsewhere in II Thessalonians, Philippians, and Philemon? 12. What good wishes are extended to the Thessalonian Christians in the greeting? 13. What does Paul say they were always involved doing in reference to the Thessalonian Christians? 14. "Remembering without ceasing your __________ of faith, and ____________ of love, and _________________ of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father." 15. Because of this, what were they "knowing" (or assured of) in reference to the Thessalonian Christians? 16. The gospel came not to the Thessalonians in "word only," but how (and what could this mean)? 17. As the Thessalonians became followers of Paul and the Lord, what two things are said about how they received the word? 18. In what sense had the word of the Lord sounded out from the Thessalonians into Macedonia and Achaia, and into every place? 19. "For they themselves shew [declare] of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye _____________ to God from idols to ____________ the living and true God; and to __________ for his Son from heaven…" 20. Jesus has "delivered us from the wrath [orgé] to come"—What is the significance of this word for wrath? NAME: _________________________ DATE: ________________