I THESSALONIANS CHAPTER 5: 1. What about the second coming of Christ does Paul say there was no need to write unto the Thessalonians about? 2. What two things does Paul say the second coming of Christ will be "as" (like) to get his point across? 3. As children of light (or children of the day), in contrast with the night (or darkness), what two things does he admonish them to do? 4. Those who are of "the day," like a watchful soldier on sentry duty, should put on what kind of armor? 5. What great truths here prompted Paul to say, "Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do"? 6. What does Paul admonish them (and us) to do in reference to those who "labour among you, and are over you in the Lord"? 7. "Now we exhort you, brethren, ___________ them that are unruly, ________________ the feebleminded [fainthearted], _______________ the weak, be ________________ toward all men." 8. What should we not do to "any man," and what should we do among ourselves and to "all men"? 9. "______________ evermore. ___________ without ceasing. In everything __________ _____________ : for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 10. What does Paul say they were not to do in reference to the Spirit? 11. What does he say they were not to do in reference to the prophesyings? 12. "Prove all
things; ___________________________________
13. What were they told to abstain from? 14. What does Paul include in his desire that they would be sanctified wholly (how extensive)? 15. What instructions about prayer does Paul make that we cannot personally fulfill? 16. They were admonished to greet one another in what way? 17. Paul was concerned that this epistle be read to whom? 18. With what words does Paul end this epistle, which seems to be his practice in every epistle? 19. What does Paul tell us in II Thessalonians 3:17 that was his practice in all of his epistles? 20. What is the
meaning of the word "amen," and what word is used when it is actually translated
in the New Testament (KJV)?
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