II THESSALONIANS CHAPTER 1: 1. It seems from all indications II Thessalonians was written soon after I Thessalonians—How or why can we make such a statement? m 2. In the salutation of II Thessalonians, whose names again appear jointly with that of Paul? m 3. What good wishes are again extended to the Thessalonian Christians? m 4. We find these words in the salutations of all of Paul’s epistles (question 3), and later in what three epistles does he add a third item, "mercy"? m 5. What did Paul say as to why they felt bound, that it was fitting, to always thank God for them? m 6. For what did Paul say they were glorying, or boasting, to the churches in reference to the Thessalonians? m 7. What did Paul say was a "manifest token" (indication) that God’s judgment would be righteous in them being counted worthy of the kingdom of God? m 8. What was one of the beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount that is parallel in thought to this (question 7)? m 9. In reference to those who afflicted the Thessalonians, what did Paul say it would be a righteous thing for God to do? m 10. "…The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that ________________________________ and that _________________ __________________ of our Lord Jesus Christ." m 11. Having just spoken of those afflicting them, the verse just before (1:8; question 10) could be referring in particular to whom? m 12. Examining the various Scriptures, we find this expression "obey the gospel" specifically can mean what? m 13. What words are used to describe the punishment that will take place when the lost are removed "from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power"? m 14. "When he shall come to be _______________ in his saints, and to be ________________ in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day." m 15. What are some things mentioned here that Paul says he always was praying to God about for them? m 16. All of this was prayed in connection with or "according" to what? m NAME: _________________________ DATE: ________________ m |