II CORINTHIANS CHAPTER 3: x x 2. Was writing letters of introduction and commendation a practice in the early church (and if so, illustrate)? x 3. In reference to the Corinthians, what did Paul say was his letter of commendation? x 4. As far as the regular letters of commendation were concerned, how was this one different in reference to those who read it? x 5. This letter was not written with ink, but with what and on what? x 6. This letter commending Paul was not of his own "sufficiency" (being able, competent, sufficient), but whose? x 7. When Paul says that "the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life," what does he mean by "letter" and by "spirit"? x 8. In connection with Moses, what does Paul point out to illustrate that the "ministration of death" (the O. T.) was glorious? x 9. Reading Exodus 34:29-35 and what Paul writes in this chapter, what seems to be the reason, or reasons, why Moses covered his face? x 10. Compared to what, the "ministration of condemnation" (the O. T.) had no glory? x 11. What other entire book in the New Testament emphasizes the great truth Paul is bringing out here? x 12. Paul said, "Seeing then that we have such hope [in the light of these wonderful truths], we use __________________________ ________________________ ." x 13. Why couldn’t Moses do this (question 12), which typified the Old Testament? x 14. In what way did Paul see the veil that covered Moses’ face not being taken away being there "even unto this day"? x 15. Paul said the veil of his day would be taken away when? x 16. "Now the _________ is that Spirit: and where the spirit of the _________ is, there is _____________ ." x 17.In the case of Moses in the O. T. one man experienced the glory of the Lord, but now how many experience it? x 18. Moses tried to veil (hide) the glory that was fading away, but every Christian with an unveiled face is able to see and experience what? x 19. How is this brought about? x 20. What Scripture, or Scriptures, illustrates this? x NAME: _________________________ DATE: ________________ |