II CORINTHIANS CHAPTER 7: x x 2. In perfecting holiness, who were to cleanse themselves and from what? x 3. All of this was to be done with what attitude toward God? x 4. What three aspects of a human being are listed in man being wholly sanctified in I Thessalonians 5:23? x 5. Paul besought the Corinthians, "Receive us; we have _____________ no man, we have ____________ no man, we have _______________ no man." x 6. Paul showed his great love and care for the Corinthians in saying, "I have said it before, that ye are in our hearts to ________ and ___________ with you." x 7. Why did Paul now have confidence ("boldness of speech") and pride ("glorying") in reference to the Corinthians? Why was he filled with comfort, and overflowing with joy even in his tribulations? x 8. Having left Ephesus, where did Paul expect to meet Titus with news about the Corinthian church? x 9. Where did he go and where did he and Titus finally meet? x 10. In getting up with Titus, aside from the news about Corinth, what seemed to make the most impression on Paul to comfort him? x 11. Paul didn’t rejoice just because his letter made the Corinthians sorry, but why? x 12. "For godly sorrow worketh ________________ to ________________ not to be repented of [regretted]: but the sorrow of the world worketh _____________ ." x 13. What seven outworkings of this godly sorrow that "worketh repentance" are listed here (verse 11)? x 14. Paul said that he had written to them not just because of those who had done wrong, but that his care for them in the sight of God might appear to all ("to you"). (1) True; (2) False x 15. How had the Corinthian brethren received Titus? x 16. Paul’s optimism as a result of the report of Titus prompted him to say, "I rejoice therefore that I [can] have confidence in you in ________________________ ." xx x NAME: _________________________ DATE: ________________ |