A MAN lost in his work has really found himself.
Without faith and love what we do has no true spiritual significance (Hebrews 11:6; I Corinthians 13:1-3).
If God doesn’t have first place in your life, God is not in your life.
Peace comes not so much from the absence of trouble in our lives as from the presence of God.
Not the least of the benefits of honest labor is sleep that is sound and sweet.
The man who practices what he would preach has already preached the best sermon he will ever preach.
It is best to not talk unless you have something to say.
A heart warmed by the gospel of Christ will not be cold and indifferent toward others.
We need true religion, not only to make us godly people, but to keep us from being animals.
Christianity sanctifies all legitimate human bonds and makes them even stronger (if those in the said bonds are truly bound together in Christ).

(VOL. 34, NO. 4, 1996)
NUMBERS mean nothing unless they count. 
It doesn't do much good to put your best foot forward if you drag the other one. 
Problem people are people with problems. 
With Christ being both priest and sacrifice our sin problem is well taken care of. 
When we do God's will, good will and goodwill will prevail.
Prophecy written in the context of the Old Testament bears the image and flavor of the Old Testament even when it has reference to coming things in the New Testament. 
We always reap what we sow, only in greater proportions. 
Trying to run away from our problems when we are part of the problem will not solve our problems but only prolong them. 
You have to learn how to walk before you can run. 
Simple, but profound--that should characterize good gospel preaching.
(VOL. 34, NO. 3, 1996)
A PRAYERFUL Christian is a powerful Christian. 
We will become more alike, and our differences will vanish, when we become like Christ. 
Your energy is uselessly spent unless it is spent on that which is useful. 
The real Christian experiences that sense of well-being which the world artificially seeks through drugs and drink but finds illusive. 
In the sight of God, a little is a lot when that's all you've got (Luke 21:1-4).
Christian, if you will discipline yourself to read the Word of God regularly and prayerfully, then you will find power to discipline yourself to live the Christian life.
If your life seems empty, try putting something into it. 
If you know what you stand for, and where you stand, you will still be standing there when all others have gone. 
If you have a good heart, you will not have a bad mouth (Luke 6:45). 
People who live it up have a hard time living it down.
(VOL. 35, NO. 2, 1997)
with a Point
IF YOU TRIM yourself to fit everybody, there soon will not be much of you left.
A fool’s anger is soon known.
Unless we believe that our message is unique we will not be different from the world, nor will we evangelize.
The "self-made" man many times worships his maker.
If you put an exclamation mark after everything that you say, how will people know when you really want to make a point?
Stumbling blocks are not good material with which to build a church.
Homosexuals do not produce their kind by act of reproduction, for God only made male and female; they produce their kind by act of molestation.
Modern man needs to realize that speed is meaningless without direction.
The Word of God is the seed of the kingdom and does not produce denominational tares and hybrids; consequently Jesus said, "Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up" (Matthew 15:13).
When you get where you are going, where will you be when you get there?
Some of the most sectarian people in the world religiously are those who are sectarian with that which they dogmatically, arrogantly and self-righteously believe to be the truth.
The waters of baptism cannot put out the flames of hell if we have never repented.
We never cease to be amazed at how fast churches can compromise and fall away from the simple New Testament position when, even for a short time, the Word of God is not preached in its fullness.
Some people all wrapped up in clothes, when they follow the style, have a very small wrap.

(VOL. 34, NO. 4, 1996)
with a Point
CLOSED MINDS can become awfully stuffy. 
Right is always right if no one is right, and wrong is still wrong if everyone is wrong. 
Those whose hearts are aflame with the gospel of Christ may at times seem inflammatory to the world. 
The way that we dress shows our respect, or lack of it, for people and the occasion (Matt. 22:12).
Some present a church-centered message, whereas the New Testament presents a Christ-centered message; the church is the by-product of accepting the Christ-centered one. 
Religious leaders are supposed to lead the flock, not follow and accommodate the crowd. 
To think and speak in terms of being a part of a religious movement (whatever it is called) instead of simply being the Lord's church (and that alone) would be like the children of Israel being in the wildernesss and then not going on into the Promised Land. 
Many who think that they are "cool" really aren't all that "hot." 
It is hard to build a functional church with dysfunctional families (but that is largely the situation in our society today). 
The person who has never failed, probably has never tried to do anything (and still is a failure). 
It is really a sad commentary upon "Christianity" when so-called "Christian" nations have no scruples about going to war and killing those of another so-called "Christian" nation, whereas Moslems have a strong aversion to bearing arms against fellow Moslems of another country. 
If you handle truth as mere opinion, you will lose hold of it, and it will slip through your fingers.
If some people were as concerned about counting the cost (Luke 14:25-33) as they are in counting the numbers, we would have a better church. 
It is too bad that the message of some preachers when they get old becomes like their bodies, weak. 
When church problems and personal problems in our lives are not faced up to and dealt with, they become the source of greater problems (and spill over into the lives of others causing them problems). 
People on mind-altering drugs must go through some mind-altering to get their lives straightened out.
Marriage is a good, honorable, and holy institution set up by a holy, righteous, and benevolent God; people who do not respect or honor it, as evidenced in widespread divorce and immorality today, are dishonorable sinners and will have to face an angry God in judgment. 
The sin that tempts us with an alluring smile, when once committed, laughs in mockery behind our backs.

 (VOL. 35, NO. 2, 1997)