KEEP the faith, but not to yourself

People who are reconciled to God are likewise people who are reconciled to one another.

Real Christianity should spread spontaneously.

When a person is on fire with the message of God, but does not find suitable material for this flame to ignite, he may soon burn out.

When life hands you a lemon, you can either become sour like the lemon or make lemonade.

Sometimes there is as much faith involved, if not more, in accepting an undesirable thing in your life as in believing that God will take it away (II Corinthians12:7-10).

In a multitude of words is a multitude of trouble; therefore, speak sparingly and wisely.

The things that really matter in life are the things that don’t have to do with 

We cannot be 

YOU-NITED without YOU.
HE WHO lives in hope will abound in optimism.

An empty tomb is the unique message of Christianity.

A game has no meaning unless played by the rules.

We need grace to save us from a life of sin and disgrace (Ephesians 2:1-10; Titus 2:11,12).

Our hearts must reach out to people before we can reach them for Christ.

Having become the favored objects and recipients of God’s mercy and grace, we are to be channels of this mercy and grace to others.

Even as God is one, our devotion to Him should be singular (Deut. 6:4,5).

By victoriously abstaining from the bad we enhance our capacity to enjoy that which is good.

Meekness is not weakness, but strength subdued and under control.

Showing partiality is a sin because the command to love your neighbor as yourself is not selective (James 2:8,9).

A hope that’s sure will produce a life that’s pure (I John 3:1-3).
LIFE is short; keep it sweet.

In the New Testament, Jesus came to tell us about the love of God, then he sealed it with his blood.

God wants us to be wholly holy (I Thessalonians 5:23; II Corinthians 7:1).

Like the prodigal son (Luke 15:17), when we come to ourselves, we will come to God.

Knowledge without love does not come from above.

A good name is a priceless treasure that can be possessed by rich and poor alike.

If our hearts are warm, our words will not be cold.

Don’t be unduly flattered when flowers are strewn along your way; flowers wilt so soon.

Clouds enhance the beauty of the sunset.

If you have experienced God’s grace, and are in it, it helps you grow old gracefully.

The reward of faith is finally to see that which we believed.
with a Point
WHERE you are physically many times indicates where you are spiritually. 
You can't be a part of the big picture until you are part of the small one.
A person who will lie has a basic flaw in his character and will likewise prove untrue in other circumstances. 
In God's Book and order of things repentance must come before forgiveness can take place. 
Sometimes even prayer is a cop-out when we do not accept responsibility and pray that God will do for us that which we should be doing ourselves. 
Sectarianism takes part of the truth and treats it as if it were all of the truth. 
What some may look upon as patience and longsuffering when examined more closely really is procrastination and indecision. 
Enthusiasm is contagious, even when accompanying error-- so beware! 
If we are a child of the King, we shouldn't dress and look like unkempt urchins (nor gaudy, vainglorious children of this world). 
The clergy/laity concept is an artificial distinction that came into being in the context of apostasy. 
In religion some people are so reactionary against certain religious error that they cannot understand and enjoy the truth for what it is and thus become proponents of new error themselves. 
Time does not erode and wash away the guilt of sin, nor does death make a person a saint; only the blood of Christ can do this. 
It is hard to be impressed that people know the Lord, even though they may say they do, when they don't even seem to know the difference between right and wrong. 
Saying you have nothing to hide does not change the fallacy of that which is not hidden. 
The only way that you can get some people to tell the truth is to put them under oath, and even then, they can't always be trusted; but the true Christian's words are always his bond (Matthew 5:33-37; Ephesians 4:25; Revelation 21:8). 
Too many churches and preachers today worship the god of bigness instead of a big God. 
Where there is smoke, there usually is fire; but some are such masters of deception, they can take the smoke and make a smoke screen out of it to conceal the fire. 
Virtue, when taken to the extreme in an artificial and in a paranoid way, becomes vice. 
Many times everybody's business is nobodies' business--there needs to be leaders, and there needs to be defined, designated, and recognized responsibilities.
The person who uses others will find in the end that others will have no use for him.
with a Point
TO BELITTLE is to be little.

 Brooding over your troubles will only hatch despair.

 When sectarian fires intensely burn, the light and warmth of the gospel is not present.

 We cannot expect a person to be levelheaded if his head is not on straight.

 NOTE, It is pretty dumb to laugh at a dirty joke: SIN IS NO JOKE, “for the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).

 The modern church knows much about feasting and playing, but little about fasting and praying.

If preaching against sin offends you, there is a question mark about your repentance; if preaching against a particular sin offends you, there is a question mark involving your repentance and that sin.

 Speed is of no consequence unless you are going in the right direction.

 I don’t care who you are; even if you are a person of renown, an old acquaintance, my dearest friend or close relative, I am not going to defend you or offer you comfort if you compromise God’s Word and the purity of the doctrine of Christ.

 The purpose of teaching is to teach; if we never say anything distinctive, people will never learn.

 Some politicians would try to convince us that morality (right and wrong) doesn’t really matter if we have a full stomach and the economy is good (and they remain in office).

 False teaching thrives on ignorance (ignorance of God’s Word), and educated ignorance is the worst kind.

 Any “Christian unity” that does not come as a by-product of being united with Christ and following the Bible is artificial and humanly imposed.

 Flesh, left to itself, seeks the lowest common denominator.

We have the mentality of a sect when we would try to draw attention to ourselves, as a religious group, instead of to Christ and his Word.

Soft words and gentle actions turn away wrath and eliminate the factions.

 Some people when they become religious exchange one pride for another, a worldly pride for a self-righteous, religious pride (but it is still fleshly and worldly).

 Many people who think they are open-minded really are empty headed. 

 If you “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind,” you won’t have any problem in coming to all of the services of the church.

The more that we tolerate sin, the less intolerable it becomes to us.

 The person who thinks that he can’t quit smoking needs to realize there is a place that never quits smoking (Revelation 14:11; Mark 9:43-48).

 When truth is compromised with error, truth is always the loser.

 The Bible does not say to “earnestly contend for the faith” until you have trouble with your children and then change your convictions. 

 A doting, smothering kind of love is not healthy. 