 IF YOUR HEART is in the right place, eventually you will be.
 Those who are wise enough to appreciate wisdom thereby enhance their capacity to become wiser.
 Like it or not, God loves you and has your well-being in mind.
 What we think about Christ determines what we think about anybody and everybody, as well as anything and everything.
 For God so loved the world that he gave (John 3:16)—what distinguishes your love?
 The greater the realization of our sins, the greater will be our love for Christ, and the greater our love for Christ, the greater will be the realization of our sins.
 He who does not love his wife despises himself.
 The person who falls in love with himself is ready to fall (Proverbs 16:18). 
 The investment of love pays great dividends.
 "Quench not the Spirit," lest you put out the flame of love.

 RIGHTEOUSNESS is doing that which is right.
 If you have not personally accepted Christ into your life, he cannot be your personal Savior.
 To have good neighbors be a good neighbor.
 So live your life that when you die it will be just like saying "amen" at the end of a prayer.
 If you cannot forgive, you cannot be forgiven (Mark 11:25,26).
 Treat others as you would be treated then you will be treated as you would be treated.
 Walk in the steps of Christ, and you will eventually be where he is, in heaven.
 BEING CONSIDERATE, COURTEOUS, AND POLITE are good manners and are by-products of the golden rule (Mt. 7:12).
 If you quit when you are ahead, you will soon be behind.
 Even as God makes the "sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust" (Mt. 5:45), the storms of life come upon all.

A MAN of principles is a prince of a man.
 Christ died alone so that no one else need ever have to experience this.
 People are more inclined to love the truth when we speak the truth in love.
 One good thing about a straight and narrow road, you can see where it goes (and in our case, it goes to heaven).
 If being right makes you proud, you are in the wrong.
 A meaningful relationship with God will put meaning into all of our relationships.
 By getting on our knees we can better ascertain where we stand with God.
 To be thankful concentrate on what you have and not on what you don’t have.
 A person cannot do all that he can until he tries to do more than he can.
 Our conscience is the most sensitive when it has the least to be sensitive about; in other words, when it has not been callused by sinning.
THE LAW of use and disuse: If you don’t use it, you lose it.
 If you profess to be religious, and God is not first in your life, your whole religious life is out of kilter.
 The more that you love, the greater your capacity to love becomes.
 On the things we do not know or understand, the less we say the less likely we are to err.
The most humble person is usually the least aware of his humility.
 God is love, and the person who truly loves knows God (I John 4:8), and God knows that person (I Cor. 8:3).
Your energy is uselessly spent unless it is spent on that which is useful.
 Love (I Cor. 13) is greater (I Cor. 12:31) than spiritual gifts (I Cor. 12) because the giver is greater than the gifts ("God is love," I John 4:8,16).
Where will you be when you get where you are going?
 Religiously speaking, only one road leads to heaven (John 14:6; Acts 4:12)---all others are sidetracks, veering in many and diverse directions.
with a Point
  ZEAL without knowledge is the sister of folly.

 Religion that has no backbone is unstructured and worthless.

 Self-consciousness is a form of pride; otherwise a person would not care what another person thought about him.

 Some people try to split hairs when the hairs aren’t even there.

 People who are snobbish because of their wealth really in their minds are still poor, insecure, and don’t know how to handle their situation.

 The things that really matter are the things that don’t have to do with matter.

 Some Christians when they hear the word "fellowship" smell coffee instead of the sweet aroma of the gospel of Christ (Ephesians 5:2; Philippians 1:3-5).

 If we have repented of a sin, we will not be offended if that particular sin is preached against.

 Baptism can never take the place of faith and repentance; however in its true practice it is the outworking of faith and repentance, and their extension.

 God never made junk, but some people choose to become "junkies" with their lives.

 The "New Testament" is to be put into practice by people who are "new creatures" in Christ (II Corinthians 5:17; Romans 6:4)—others will find it less appealing, boring, or even repugnant to them.

 If you take pride in saying what you think, you better think before you say it.

 If a repentant sinner is baptized for the remission of his sins (Acts 2:38)—to get his sins washed away by the blood of Christ (Acts 22:16; Revelation 1:5), how can a person say he is saved before he is baptized and his sins are washed away?

 Religious convictions coupled with pride and arrogance makes for an irreligious situation.

 We are strange creatures: some feed their hurts and insecurities with food in excessive eating; others turn to alcohol, while others refrain from eating almost altogether.

 There is no way that we can lift people unless we come down to their level. 

 Truth is so valuable and important that it does not need to be artificially embellished with high sounding words, but simply spoken and accepted for what it is.

 If people must handle you with kid gloves to get along with you, it may mean that you are a goat (and not one of the Lord’s sheep).

 A paranoid preoccupation with prophecy for the purpose of trying to divine the future instead of trusting in God amounts to witchcraft.

 Christ is the solid foundation on which to build, but this great truth is meaningless unless we do just that.

 There are two things I have found it hard for people to see, their own faults and the faults of their children. 

 To be "Christians only" we must follow Christ only, not men nor the traditions of men. 

 If you are on fire with the message of Christ, but do not find suitable material on which to ignite a flame, you may soon experience "burn out."

with a Point
 IF THE LORD is not Lord of all in your life, then He is not Lord at all in your life.
 You can tell much about a man by what he does when he has nothing else to do.
 If you want your wife to treat you like a king, stop acting like a tyrant and start treating her like a queen.
 The person who does as he pleases many times does not please the Lord.
 A strong person can talk about his shortcomings and weaknesses, but a weak person is intimidated and crushed to talk about them.
 If you don’t respect your husband, don’t expect your children to respect him either.
 Someone has said that if we talk Christianity by the yard and live it by the inch, we should be dealt with by the foot.
The cobwebs of human tradition become ropes that bind us in the ways of man.
Homosexuals do not produce their kind by procreation ( for God only made male and female); they produce their kind by molestation.
 It is hard to have the mind of Christ when you have been brainwashed by the world.
 If a person is not holy in his or her heart, we might as well forget about the outward expression of it in modest adornment.
 To feed your insecurities with food may not be good for you physically or spiritually.
 A U. S. president who practices sodomy in the White House and a former U. S. president who publicly undercuts the authority of the Spirit-inspired apostles on the role of women in the church and in the home are not good for our country.
If you would give the world to go to heaven that is just exactly what it takes.
 Is this true? Political liberals are people who want to be liberal with someone else’s money; political conservatives are those who want to be conservative with their own money.
 Better not rub shoulders with people who wear their feelings on their sleeves.
It is really a sad commentary upon "Christianity" when so-called "Christian" nations have no scruples about going to war and killing those of other so-called "Christian" nations, whereas Moslems have a strong aversion to bearing arms against fellow Moslems of another country.
 If we cannot accomplish the work of the church through the church, it is not the work of the church we are doing.
 In some religious circles some people are so reactionary against religious error that they cannot understand and simply enjoy the truth in a positive way for what it is and thus become proponents of new error themselves.
 Insecure people are the most likely ones to be "taken in" by the self-seeking person who uses flattery and thus would use them.
 A negative mental attitude draws negative things to it, as well as spilling over in a negative way toward others, bringing negative consequences to many lives; keep a positive mental attitude.
 Some preachers can really "beat around the bush," but they seem to never "tree" anything.
 In adversity we find our true selves, just who and what we really are, as the deceptive veneer and delusion of the superficial is stripped away.