1. What two books in the Bible start with the words,
"In the beginning"?
2. What man in the pre-Flood period reached beyond
his time in prophecy, with the coming Flood as a backdrop, to foretell
the second coming of Christ and judgment upon the ungodly?
3. What city in O.T. times was called "the city of
palm trees"?
4. Who seems to have been the first judge God raised
up to deliver Israel from their oppressors after the death of Joshua?
5. Who in the Bible is described as a "man after"
God's "own heart"?
6. What O.T. prophet was a bald-headed man?
7. Where in the Bible does it say, "I am escaped with
the skin of my teeth"?
8. According to the book of Proverbs, what does a
soft answer do?
9. How many times is the name "Beulah" found in the
Bible, where is it found, and what does it mean?
10. How many times is Habbakkuk 2:4 ("The just shall
live by faith") quoted in the N.T.?
11. How many people do we find mentioned in the N.T.
Scriptures named Jesus besides Jesus the Son of God (and identify them)?
12. Under what circumstances did Jesus say, "It is
easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man
to enter into the kingdom of God"?
13. What was the name of a blind man who cried out
to Jesus for mercy as Jesus came through Jericho?
14. What were the names of the two sons of Simon the
Cyrenian who was compelled to bear the cross of Christ?
15. What is the significance of "Bar" in the prefix
of Aramaic names like Bar-nabas found in the N.T.?
16. Where is the last place in the N.T. the word "disciple"
is found, and to whom does it refer (who is spoken of as being an "old
17. What kind of reputation did the ancient people
of Crete have, according to the quotation from one of the Cretians given
by the apostle Paul?
18. What epistle in the N.T. is written to the "elect
lady and her children"?
19. Which one of the seven churches in Asia in the
book of Revelation is described as being lukewarm?
20. What were the measurements of the New Jerusalem,
the heavenly city shaped like a cube, John saw coming down in the book
of Revelation? (VOL. 32, NO. 4, 1994)
Answers to the Above Questions:
1. Genesis and John; 2 Jude 14,15; 3. Deuteronomy
34:3; Judges 1:16; 3:13; II Chronicles 28:15; 4. Judges 2:16-3:11;
5. Acts 13:22; I Samuel 13:14; 6. II Kings 2:22,23; 7.
Job 19:20; 8. Proverbs 15:1; 9. Isaiah 62:4; Beulah means
married; 10. Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38; 11.
(1) Jesus, son of Eliezer, one of the ancestors of Christ--Luke 3:29; (2)
Joshua (Jesus)--Acts 7:45; Hebrews 4:8; (3) Jesus, surnamed Justus--Colossians
4:11 (Also NOTE: As a matter of interest, Origen in the early centuries
of the church makes reference to Matthew 27:17, saying, "Whom will ye that
I deliver unto you, Jesus Barabbas or Jesus that is called Christ."); 12.
Matthew 19:16-26; 13. Mark 10:46-52; 14. Mark 15:21; 15.
Bar means "son of"--notice Acts 4:36; Matthew 16:17--John 1:42; Mark 10:46;
for further study check out the names Barabbas (Matthew 27:16-26), Barsabas
(Acts 1:23; 15:22), Bartholomew (Matthew 10:3), and Barjesus (Acts 13:6);
16. Acts 21:16; 17. Titus 1:12; 18. II John; 19. Revelation
3:14-22; 20. Revelation 21:16.