1. How many prophets and teachers are mentioned as
being in the church at Antioch?
2. Which one is said to have been brought up with
Herod the tetrarch?
3. Which of these prophets and teachers did the Holy
Spirit say should be separated unto the work whereunto they had been called?
4. "And when they had _____________ and _____________
, and laid their ____________ on them, they sent them away."
5. From the list of cities and places that follow
write the ones that correctly correspond to the statements.
---Jerusalem; Pisidia; Paphos;
Iconium; Cyprus; Seleucia; Perga; Cyrene; Crete; Antioch; Salamis; Pamphylia
(1) Location of the church that sent out Barnbas and Saul
(2) Name of the seaport of Antioch of Syria ______________
(3) Name of the island where Barnabas and Saul first preached
(4) The first place in Cyprus where Barnabas and Saul preached
(5) The name of the city where the Roman deputy (proconsul)
of Cyprus lived ______________
(6) The first city mentioned in Asia Minor visited by Paul
and Barnabas ______________
(7) Name of the province where the Antioch in Asia Minor
mentioned here was located ______________
(8) The name of the city where Paul and Barnabas went after
leaving this Antioch ______________
6. Under what circumstances is Saul's Gentile name
Paul first mentioned (and thereafter he is called Paul in the book of Acts)?
7. What was the name of the Jewish sorcerer who opposed
Barnabas and Saul in Paphos?
8. Who had accompanied Paul and Barnabas on this evangelistic
tour, but, when they come to the mainland of Asia Minor, turned back?
9. After the reading of the law and the prophets in
the synagogue on the Sabbath in Antioch, what did the rulers of the synagogue
say to Paul and Barnabas?
10. How does Paul address the synagogue, recognizing
two classes of people as he begins to speak?
11. Where does Paul begin his sermon, what does he
seem to be driving at, and how does he close it?
12. The quotation from Psalms 2, "Thou art my Son
this day have I begotten thee," is applied by Paul to what about Christ?
13. "And by him (CHRIST) all that ______________ are
_______________ from all things, from which ye could not be justified by
the ___________ of ______________ ."
14. When so many of the Gentiles came out the next
Sabbath to hear the gospel, what was the reaction and response of the Jews?
15. What did Paul then say to the Jews?
16. What was the reaction and response of the Gentiles
to the gospel and to what Paul said (as Luke describes it)?
17. "As many as were ordained to eternal life believed"
(spoken of the Gentiles) is the positive side in contrast with what negative
thing Paul said the Jews were doing (give Paul's words)?
18. Who was responsible for stirring up the leaders
of the city to expel Paul and Barnabas from their midst?
19. As they left the city, what did Paul and Barnabas
20. "And the disciples were filled with __________
, and with the _____________ _______________ ."
NAME: _________________________ DATE: ________________
ANSWERS: 1. Acts 13:1; 2. Manaen; 3. Acts
13:2; 4. Acts 13:3; 5. (1) Antioch; (2) Seleucia; (3) Cyprus;
(4) Salamis; (5) Paphos; (6) Perga; (7) Pisidia; (8) Iconium; 6. Acts
13:9-12; 7. Acts 13:6-8; 8. Acts 13:13; 9. Acts 13:14,15;
10. Acts 13:16; 11. Acts 13:17-41; 12. Acts 13:33,34
(His resurrection); 13. Acts 13:39; 14. Acts 13:44,45; 15.
Acts 13:46,47; 16. Acts 13:48; 17. Judged themselves
unworthy of everlasting life (13:46); 18. Acts 13:50; 19. Acts
13:51; 20. Acts 13:52